Homemade Almond Milk or Cream
2014-07-04 14:07:48
- 2 cups raw whole organic Almonds
- 1 to 2 cups Water*
- Optional Sweetener to taste: (1 tsp. Honey, Agave Syrup, Maple Syrup, Sugar, or Vanilla flavoring.)
- TofuXpress Unit with Light Tension Spring
- TofuXpress Xpress Deluxe Cheesecloth
- Food Processor or Blender
- Container to store Milk
- Container to store Almond Meal
- 2 – 4 days prior: Place Almonds in a large bowl. Completely cover Almonds with Water. Use enough Water to leave at least 3 inches of Water covering the top of the Almonds. Soak Almonds in a container, covered, in refrigeration until ready to make the Almond Milk. Soaking will make the Almonds softer and sweeter. When ready to make Almond Milk, drain Almonds and dispose of soaking Water.
- *This recipe will make either Almond Milk or Cream by modifying the amount of Water. More Water will make Almond Milk and less Water will make Almond Cream. Use 2 cups Water for Almond Milk and less for Almond Cream.
- In a Food Processor, blend Almonds and Water till completely ground to a milky consistency and previously visible Almond pieces are gone.
- Line TofuXpress with Xpress Cheesecloth large enough to fold over the top of the Milk mixture. Using 1 to 1 ½ cups Almond Milk mixture at a time; pour into TofuXPress Unit. Completely cover with Cheesecloth. Press Almond Milk mixture using the Light Tension Spring to separate the Almond Milk from Almond Meal. Press time will be less than 5 minutes. The Almond Milk will rise up from the Almond Meal that will remain in the Cheesecloth wrap.
- While TofuXpress unit is still assembled, pour the Almond Milk directly from the TofuXpress unit into a storage container.
- Disassemble TofuXPress unit top, switch the Light Tension Spring out and replace with Regular Spring for final pressing of Almond Meal. Reassemble the TofuXPress unit and press Almond Meal for an additional 10 minutes, pouring off any additional Milk.
- Disassemble TofuXPress unit top and unfold Cheesecloth. Spoon out Almond Meal into storage container for future use and refrigerate. See below for additional Almond Meal recipe ideas.
- Repeat the above steps with the remaining milky mixture to press the Almond Milk from the Almond Meal.
- Use your Almond Milk in recipes calling for Cow’s Milk or Cream.
Almond Meal Recipe Ideas
Almond Meal Spread
- 1 cup Almond Meal (see Almond Milk Recipe)
- 1 teaspoon minced Garlic
- 1 tablespoon fresh Lemon Juice
- Optional 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
- 1 to 2 tablespoons Water (to desired consistency)
- Mix well. Use as a spread for crackers or celery pieces.
Almond Flour
- Make Almond Flour by drying Almond Meal in a Dehydrator.
Dried Almond Squares
- 1 cup Almond Meal (see Almond Milk Recipe)
- 1 teaspoon minced Garlic
- 1 tablespoon fresh Lemon Juice
- Spread thinly onto Dehydrator Drying Sheets. Using a Dehydrator, dry Spread and cut into squares for a nutritious snack.
TofuXpress Gourmet Food and Tofu Press https://tofuxpress.com/